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History of the company


  • to provide customers with modern-designed top-quality products, complying with high tech developments;
  • to invest into future, creating a reliable infrastructure aimed to provide customers with top-quality products and services;
  • to improve product quality by increasing the technological level of production;
  • to adapt the technical characteristics of our products to the requirements and traditions of the countries where DoorHan products are sold

  • high quality products and their compliance with international and national standards;
  • result-oriented and mutual beneficial cooperation, ensuring favorable terms of partnerships, knowing and understanding partners needs;
  • using our professional experience lasting over 20 years of successful work;
  • long-term cooperation, the result of which is the stable development of DoorHan group of companies and its projects.
  • Mission:
  • 2020-2021
  • 2017-2019
  • 2015
  • 2010

  • to provide customers with modern-designed top-quality products, complying with high tech developments;
  • to invest into future, creating a reliable infrastructure aimed to provide customers with top-quality products and services;
  • to improve product quality by increasing the technological level of production;
  • to adapt the technical characteristics of our products to the requirements and traditions of the countries where DoorHan products are sold

  • high quality products and their compliance with international and national standards;
  • result-oriented and mutual beneficial cooperation, ensuring favorable terms of partnerships, knowing and understanding partners needs;
  • using our professional experience lasting over 20 years of successful work;
  • long-term cooperation, the result of which is the stable development of DoorHan group of companies and its projects.

我们庆祝公司成立 10 周年,并投资新的铝型材加工生产线。我们缩短了最畅销产品的生产时间,例如工业门、单扇和双扇钢制门、装卸货设备和卷帘门。


大力投资生产自动化和扩大生产范围,将我们的合作伙伴网络扩大至 500 个分销商并进入新市场。

我们在卡丹市建造了占地 16,000 平方米的新厂房,并开始生产和分销车库门。我们在自己的自动化生产线上开始生产夹芯板。